
Terms And Conditions

The following terms and conditions are in place to help govern the all MGS practices.


The My Golf Society website is owned and operated by Target Golf Management Limited. Target Golf Management Limited is an Irish company 373361. Visit www.targetgolf.ie‏ for more information. By using the My Golf Society service you accept and agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions. Where applicable under law, these terms constitute a ‘writing signed by you’. Please note that although we try to ensure that the content of both our website and our management system are accurate, it may contain typographical errors or other inaccuracies. My Golf Society reserves the right, at our sole discretion, to change, modify, add or delete portions of these Terms and Conditions at any time without further notice. If we do this, we will post the changes to these Terms and Conditions on this page and will indicate at the top of this page the Terms and Conditions effective date. Your continued use of both the website and of the management system after any such changes constitutes your acceptance of the new Terms and Conditions. You are responsible for regularly reviewing these Terms and Conditions so that you will be apprised of any changes.


The user agrees to indemnify and hold My Golf Society, its officers, owners, agents and any employees’ harmless from any claim or demand made by any third party due to or arising from the use of our website.

Copyright & Trademark

Save where otherwise specified the contents of all the pages contained on this site are the property of My Golf Society and are protected by Irish and international laws. All software used on our website is the property of My Golf Society or its software suppliers and is protected by Irish and international laws. Any reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, republication, display or performance of the content on this website is strictly prohibited. The My Golf Society name & logo are registered to Target Golf Management Limited. The logo trademark number is 238115.

Limitation of Liability

My Golf Society shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages arising out of or relating to this agreement, resulting from the use or the inability to use our sites or messages received or products or services rendered or resulting from unauthorised access to or alteration of the user’s transmissions or data, including but not limited to damages for loss of profits, even if My Golf Society has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Applicable Law

Our site is created and controlled by My Golf Society in the Republic of Ireland. As such, the laws of the Republic of Ireland will govern these disclaimers, terms and conditions, without giving effect to any principles of conflict of laws. We reserve the right to make changes to our website and these disclaimers, terms and conditions at any time.

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The Booking Policy

Golf Outings & Golf Weekends

Our booking policy has been put in place for both your protection and ours. It outlines a number of terms and conditions that exist once you agree to use any of our booking services. My Golf Society  has set out the following terms and conditions for our clients in relation to using our free golf booking services. Upon allowing  My Golf Society  to book your society golf outing and or golf weekend, your golf society agrees to and is bound by the following terms & conditions. Where applicable under law, these terms constitute a ‘writing signed by you’.

My Golf Society agrees to the booking terms and conditions of the respective golf courses/clubs/resorts/hotels when booking on your behalf. In the case of a booking dispute with a golf course/club/resort/hotel, you agree to allow My Golf Society to handle all communications with the golf course/club/resort/hotel. In resolving a dispute, the company’s decision is final.

All bookings are provisional until such time as the deposits are paid to the particular golf club/resort/hotel in question. Non payment of a deposit can, at times, result in the booking being cancelled by either My Golf Society or the golf club or both.

My Golf Society cannot be held responsible for any booking deposits that are paid by your golf society to a golf course/club/resort/hotel that subsequently are not returned/refunded to you due to that golf course/club/resort/hotel’s closure, insolvency, bankruptcy, etc... In this instance the matter must be resolved between the golf course/club/resort/hotel and the golf society. My Golf Society will do everything it can to assist your golf society in pursuit of this monies and as part of the booking process we have made special security provisions to ensure that the likelihood of this happening is kept to an absolute minimum.

All booking information posted on the golf society’s management system within the My Golf Society website has, unless stated otherwise, been updated by the golf society themselves and My Golf Society will not be held responsible for any discrepancies between the golf outing/weekend details on this free webpage and the actual outing/weekend details booked by My Golf Society. The full and proper outing/golf weekend details can be accessed in the “View Your Golf Bookings” or “View Your Golf Weekend” section of your account area.

My Golf Society has the capabilities to negotiate special rates with golf clubs/resort/hotels on behalf of golf societies. At present My Golf Society does not charge a fee to golf societies who book with us to guarantee these special rates. The agreed rates for each course/club/resort/hotel are given to My Golf Society in good faith and your golf society and its members/guests are bound to respect this fee, the golf course/club/resort/hotel and the facilities that the course/club/resort/hotel provide at all times. Failure to do this may result in My Golf Society ending all association with your golf society and cancelling any future bookings that you may have with us.

When you submit a booking request you will receive a confirmation email and a member of our team will then contact you within 24 hours to discuss your booking details and begin the booking process. My Golf Society is entitled to refuse any booking request placed by you. If the booking you requested is unavailable, we may provide or suggest to you an alternative course /club/resort or hotel.

In the event that the you do not adhere to the booking policy, My Golf Society reserves the right to cancel any or all bookings you may have with the company. Any liability arising from the booking will be a matter between you and the course/club/resort or hotel.

On course/club or while at a resort or hotel insurance is provided by the respective owners of said properties, My Golf Society accepts no responsibility for any incident that may happen on the golf course/golf club or in a resort or hotel or in any area of any facility regardless of whether or not we have booked the venue for you.

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Society Management System Policy


You must be 18 years or older to use the My Golf Society service. By registering for the My Golf Society  service, you represent and warrant that you are 18 years or older and that you have the capacity to understand, agree and comply with these Terms and Conditions. You should provide true, accurate and complete registration information to be a My Golf Society  member. Your membership and any offers associated with it will not be processed unless your information is correct and can be verified. As part of the registration process, you will be asked to provide your email address and a password and you will be responsible for all activities occurring under your email address and for keeping your password secure. We may refuse to allow you to use an email address that impersonates someone else, is or may be protected by trademark or proprietary rights law, or is vulgar, offensive or otherwise inappropriate, as determined by our sole discretion. Please Note: The website provided by the company will at all times remain the property of My Golf Society. Where applicable, there will be a free trial given to societies. Once this trial finishes, there will be set annual charge in place for the continued use of the society management system. Under no circumstances is this fee is refundable. The management system provides each society with the platform to provide online advertising on their own person website. This will be monitored my My Golf Society and if My Golf Society deems it fit to stop an advertisment for any reason they may do so with imediate effect. My Golf Society will take no responsibility for the advertisement - the sponsorship is between the golf society and the company(s) in questions.   

Member Conduct and Appropriate Content

Th service is made available for your personal, non-commercial use only. You may not use the My Golf Society  service for any illegal or unauthorised purpose. International users agree to comply with all local rules regarding online conduct and acceptable content, including laws regulating the export of data from the Republic of Ireland or your country of residence. You are solely responsible for your conduct and any data, text, information, graphics, photos, profiles, audio and video clips, links and other content (Materials) which you submit, post or display on both the My Golf Society service website or on the society management system. We may, but shall have no obligation to remove materials that we determine in our sole discretion are unlawful, fraudulent, threatening, libellous, defamatory, obscene or otherwise objectionable, or infringes or violates any party’s intellectual property or other proprietary rights or these Terms and Conditions. Further, under no circumstances does My Golf Society  have any obligation to check the accuracy or truthfulness of any materials, nor to monitor any member’s use of the My Golf Society  service. My Golf Society will have full rights and are able to use the information as they see fit with any information that is entered onto the either our website or our society management system. My Golf Society have the right to deactivate an account is they see fit to do so.  

Conditions of Use

You agree to abide by all applicable local, state, national, international laws and regulations and are solely responsible for all acts or omissions that occur under your account made by you including the content of your transmissions through the My Golf Society  service.

By way of example, and not as a limitation, you agree NOT to: Defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise violate the rights (such as the rights of privacy and publicity) of others. Publish, distribute and/or disseminate any harmful, obscene, indecent, unlawful, libellous, profane, defamatory, infringing, inappropriate, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable material or information. Use other Member’s personal data for purposes other than establishing contact that is reasonably expected to be welcomed by such other Members. Submit materials that are unlawful or promote or encourage illegal activity or that would violate the property rights of others. Submit materials of any third party without such third party’s prior consent, or materials that falsely express or imply that such materials are sponsored or endorsed by My Golf Society. Create a false or misleading identity of, including but not limited to, a My Golf Society  employee, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity, for the purpose of misleading others as to the identity of the sender or the origin of the message or to harvest or otherwise collect information about others. Transmit email or post any material that contains in any form software viruses or such programs as including but not limited to, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancel-bots, computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment. Use of the My Golf Society  service in any unlawful manner or in any other manner that could damage, disable, overburden or impair the website. Attempt to gain unauthorised access to the My Golf Society  service, other accounts, computer systems or networks connected to the My Golf Society  service, through password mining or any other means. Modify, adapt, translate or reverse engineer any portion of the My Golf Society  service, or use any robot, spider, site search/retrieval application, or any other device to retrieve or index any portion or the My Golf Society  service. Reformat or frame any portion of the web pages that are part of the My Golf Society service. Disseminate content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, rights of privacy or publicity, or other proprietary right of any party that infringes any intellectual property law or any other applicable law. Remove any copyright, trademark or any other proprietary rights notices contained in or on the My Golf Society  service. Disseminate any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising, promotional materials, ‘junk mail’, ‘spam’, ‘chain letters’, ‘pyramid schemes’, or any other form of such solicitation. Interfere with another Member’s use and enjoyment of the My Golf Society  service. Harvest or collect email addresses or other contact information of Members, including usernames from the My Golf Society  website by electronic or other means. All information, both email and phone numbers, that are submitted through the system may be contactable by either My Golf Society or Offical Partners of My Golf Society.  

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Shop Policy

The following are the terms and conditions for the purchase of products from Target Golf Management Limited trading under the name My Golf Society.


All of our payments are handled by Realex, an Irish based Payments company. Realex Payments are certified and approved by several leading financial institutions. Their systems and security controls are based on current industry standards. There are several layers of technology in place to ensure the confidentiality, authentication and integrity of information. Realex Payments have been accredited with the AIS (Account Information Security) certification by VISA and is one of the few companies in Europe to achieve this. This shows their commitment to above industry standard in every aspect of payment processing. Information is sent to them from My Golf Society via the internet and they then connect to our bank. All information when in transit via the internet is encrypted (128bit SSL) to ensure confidentiality of sensitive data. All messages sent to Realex and the responses from Realex are authenticated using digitally signed digests. All requests are verified against a legal list of IP address and referring URLs.

The Realex technical infrastructure is located in secure co-location facilities that have 24/7 security and advanced building management systems along with environmental controls. Critical servers and applications are monitored constantly to threshold levels and Realex Payment staff are instantly alerted via our real time monitoring and alerting service. All connections to the financial institutions are over private dedicated leased circuits, backed up with ISDN lines and in certain cases VPN connections over the internet. The network is designed to be highly resilient with duplicate and triplicate systems in place depending on the critical nature of each component. Realex Payments are registered with the data protection commissioner as a "Data Processor". Cardholder information is encrypted and not displayed in our reporting systems - Realcontrol.


We accept payment online by VISA, MasterCard, American Express and Laser Cards. We also accept cheques, money orders and bank drafts for payments that are made offline. VAT is charged at the current rate where applicable and is inclusive in the display price. Goods will only be dispatched once payment has been received in full. All products remain the property of My Golf Society until full payment is received. The fee for the society management system is non-refundable. 


The prices of the products on this website are published on the basis of costs at the time of issue. My Golf Society retains the right to revise our prices at any time to reflect changes in our costs such as but not limited to: goods, carriage, labour, overheads, government taxes and exchange rates. All Prices are displayed including VAT. Delivery charges are not included in the display price. Delivery charges may vary depending on the size of the purchase. Customers will be contacted with regard to the delivery charge before the goods are dispatched.


We take the majority of photographs of the products we feature ourselves. We have made all reasonable efforts to ensure each photograph accurately reflects the product being sold. On occasions, there may be minor differences between the products appearance in the photograph and the item delivered.

Products Unavailable for Dispatch

In the unlikely event that a product is out of stock at the point of order, the sender will be advised as soon as possible by phone and/or e-mail and will have the option of awaiting stock availability, choosing an alternative product or receiving a full refund.


Delivery Options

Your order is processed by My Golf Society as soon as the necessary payment is received. Due to the nature of our products & the option of personalisation delivery times may vary in accordance with each order. A member of the My Golf Society team will contact you to confirm your details within 24 hours. Orders outside of Ireland will be sent through An Post and will involve an additional charge depending on the location and the size of the product. Claims for non-delivery must be made within 21 days. For international orders, My Golf Society cannot be held responsible for importation and/or import duty charges.

All address information must be accurate, including the postcode where appropriate, and the recipient's telephone number. My Golf Society cannot accept responsibility for late or non-delivery if recipient address and telephone details are insufficient or incorrect. A signature is required upon delivery.

The goods shall be deemed to have been delivered once they are signed for by any person at that address. Where the delivery company is unable to find someone to accept delivery, a calling card will be left for the recipient to contact the courier and arrange an agreed delivery time or alternative location. If the recipient fails to make contact in good time, the goods are returned to My Golf Society a charge may be made for re-delivery to the original or an alternative address.


In accordance with The European Directive on Distance Selling (Directive 97/7/EC) unwanted or unsuitable products may be returned to My Golf Society within 7 working days of receipt as long as the goods are not opened and the packaging remains in an ‘as new’ state. Goods must be returned at your own expense.

Due to the unique nature of some of our products, we are unable to accept returns unless they are faulty. All sales including custom embroidery such as: text, stock designs or custom logos are FINAL. If your item is damaged or faulty, please contact us within 7 days and we will organise a replacement or a refund.

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Competition Policy

My Golf Society will run an online competition from time to time either through our website or through our social media platforms. The winner will be randomly selected by our computer from all the entries on the My Golf Society competition. The competition applies solely to the My Golf Society website. The winner will receive the prize advertised on the My Golf Society website for that competition. The winner of each competition will be contacted by My Golf Society within 14 days of winning.

The winner agrees that their name will be published on the My Golf Society website and can be used for promotional purposes with relation to the competition only. No cash or other alternatives are available. The competition excludes all employees of My Golf Society, any or its subsidiary companies, their families, agents or anyone else connected with this promotion. In the event of any dispute regarding the rules, competition notice, conduct, results and all other matters relating to this competition, the decision of My Golf Society shall be final and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into.


Golf Holiday Policy

My Golf Society has an exclusive partnership with FlyForGolf.com, and entrusts them to deal with all golf holiday enquiries which come through the My Golf Society website. Once an enquiry has been submitted through the My Golf Society website, the burden of responsibility to respond passes over to FlyForGolf.com.


Advertiser Terms & Conditions

To use our Website to advertise golf memberships which you have for rent or sale you agree to comply with the following general terms and conditions relating to advertising: Please also refer to our Copyright Notice, Legal Disclaimer and General Terms prior to posting any advertisement.
Ads containing illegal, defamatory, obscene, indecent or otherwise offending material are not allowed on the mygolfmembership.ie Website.
You are solely responsible for any Content that you submit, publish or display on the Website or transmit to other Website users.
You are solely responsible for your advertisements listed on our Website. You understand that all information publicly posted or privately transmitted through the Website is the sole responsibility of the person from which/whom such content originated and that we will not be liable for any errors or omissions in any content or as a result of any user’s use of the Website. You understand that we cannot guarantee the identity of any other users with whom you may interact in the course of using the mygolfmembership.ie Service. Additionally, we cannot guarantee the authenticity of any data which users may provide about themselves or relationships they may describe.
By posting Content on the Website, you grant to us, and you represent and warrant that you have the right to grant, us, our contractors, and the users of the Website an irrevocable, perpetual, royalty-free, fully sub-licensable, fully paid up, worldwide license to use, copy, publicly perform, digitally perform, publicly display, and distribute such Content and to prepare derivative works of, or incorporate into other works, such Content. This licence is non-exclusive, except you agree that we shall have the exclusive right to exercise this license to the extent of combining your Content with the Content of other users for purposes of constructing or populating a searchable database of advertisements. You understand that this licence allows us to reformat, excerpt, or translate any materials submitted by you.
The Copyright Notice, Legal Disclaimer and General Terms contain further obligations, standards and restrictions related to the Content hat you submit, publish or display on the Website or transmit to other Website users. Please familiarise yourself with those terms and conditions.
All advertisements must adhere to the "Code of Advertising Standards" as defined by The Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland in addition to the standards set out in this Agreement.
We endeavour to ensure that all ads published on mygolfmembership.ie are reviewed by our staff either in advance or shortly after they appear on the Website. We reserve the right to reject ads that do not comply with our Agreement, and to delete these ads without notice or refund. You agree that delays may occur in the ads appearing on the Website to facilitate our review of the ads.
You are personally responsible for the Content appearing in any of your ads and for the golf memberships that are advertised for sale/rent following advertisement. We are not responsible for the golf memberships appearing on the Website that you advertise or purchase, nor are we responsible for the Content appearing in any of the ads. To the extent permitted by law we disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on the content of any ad by any user of our Website.
Businesses and persons acting in the course of trade are welcome to place classifieds ads on the Website. Ads published by businesses or persons acting in the course of trade must comply with applicable laws and it your responsibility to do so. We will hold you responsible for any failure to comply with laws that apply to you or your content. You may need to adhere to the Consumer Protection Act 2007, the European Communities (Misleading and Comparative Marketing Communications) Regulations 2007, the European Communities (Misleading Advertising) Regulations 1988, European Communities (Protection of Consumers in Respect of Contracts made by means of Distance Communications) Regulations 2001, the European Communities (Directive 2001/31/EC) Regulations, 2003 (the “Ecommerce Regulations”) and any other consumer protection legislation at the time being in force. Please note that this Website is aimed at consumers in Ireland and Northern Ireland, but we cannot prevent you being contacted from other consumers or other third parties nor can we prevent your advertisement being displayed in other jurisdictions.
Ads will be displayed for a period of 12 months on our Website once initially posted. If you wish to extend this period you will be required to resubmit your request for our mygolfmembership.ie Service and to make a further payment for those services.
Content which comprises advertising material will appear on the Website. Individual advertisers are solely responsible for the content of the material which they submit to us including ensuring that it complies with relevant legislation. We accept no responsibility for the content of any business and/or advertising material, including, without limitation, any error, omission or inaccuracy.
Please note that the content of the published ads is provided by external users, and do not represent any views or opinions of mygolfmembership.ie, nor should they purport to do so.
Accordingly, we require that every care is taken by you or on your behalf in drafting the content of your advertisements in order to ensure that they are not in any way defamatory, illegal or in any other way harmful to a third party as you are solely responsible as author and publisher of your advertisement.
You agree that we may, with or without cause, immediately delete your advertisement [and terminate your access to the mygolfmembership.ie account that you have set up] without prior notice at our sole discretion. The deletion or otherwise of an advertisement should not be viewed as an indication of wrong doing on the part of the advertiser. 
Without limiting the foregoing, the following may lead to a deletion by us of a user’s advertisement and/or termination of access to the mygolfmembership.ie website (a) a breach of this Agreement, (b) a request by law enforcement, Gardai / PSNI, police or other government agencies about you or any Content that you have submitted to us, (c) a request by you (self-initiated deletions), (d) unexpected technical issues or problems and (e) extended periods of inactivity. Deletion of a user advertisement and termination of access to the mygolfmembership.ie Service may result in the removal of all Content that we may decide to delete. It may also result in preventing your further use of the Website or your account, depending on the circumstances. Furthermore, you agree that all termination of these Terms & Conditions or your use of the Website by us shall be made in our sole discretion and that we shall not be liable to you nor any third party for any termination of your account or access to the Website or removal of Content.
You understand and agree that we may review and delete any advertisements, or other Content that in our sole judgment breach these Terms & Conditions or which might be offensive, illegal or that might violate the rights of, harm, or threaten the safety of other users of our Website or us.
We reserve the right to investigate and we will determine, in our discretion, whether there has been a breach of these Terms & Conditions through your use of our Website and/or the mygolfmembership.ie Service. When a breach of these Terms & Conditions has occurred, we may take such action as we deem appropriate.
Failure by you to comply with these Terms & Conditions may result in our taking all or any of the following actions:
- immediate, temporary or permanent withdrawal of your right to use our Website and/or the mygolfmembership.ie Service;
- immediate, temporary or permanent removal of any posting, material or Content uploaded by you to our Website;
- issue of a public (via the Website) or private warning to you;
- limit the amount of postings you may make;
 - suspension, restriction or limitation of any rights or permissions associated with an account;
- legal proceedings against you for reimbursement of all costs on an indemnity basis (including, but not limited to, reasonable administrative and legal costs) resulting from the breach;
- other legal action against you; and/or
- disclosure of such information to law enforcement authorities as we reasonably feel is necessary.
We exclude liability for actions taken in response to breaches of the content standards and restrictions of use. The responses described in these Terms & Conditions are not limited, and we may take any other action we reasonably deem appropriate.
These Terms and Conditions form part of our agreement with you concerning use of our Website mygolfmembership.ie all of which you should read carefully before you start to use this Website. By accessing and using this Website, you indicate that you have read, understand and accept that Agreement, and that you agree to abide by its terms and conditions each time you access and use this Website. If you do not agree to all of the terms and conditions you should not use this Website.
You agree that we may change these Terms & Conditions at any time and any change will become effective immediately once posted by us on the Website. Please check these Terms & Conditions from time to time as your continued use of the Website means you accept them on the Website at the time of your use.

To use our website for advertising purposes, you agree to comply with the following general terms and conditions relating to advertising: Please also refer to our Copyright Notice, Legal Disclaimer and General Terms prior to posting any advertisement.

Illegal or Offending Ads

Ads containing illegal, defamatory, obscene, indecent or otherwise offending material are not allowed on the My Golf Society Website.

Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights

You are solely responsible for any Content that you submit, publish or display on the Website or transmit to other Website users.You are solely responsible for your advertisements listed on our Website. You understand that all information publicly posted or privately transmitted through the Website is the sole responsibility of the person from which/whom such content originated and that we will not be liable for any errors or omissions in any content or as a result of any user’s use of the Website. You understand that we cannot guarantee the identity of any other users with whom you may interact in the course of using the My Golf Society Service. Additionally, we cannot guarantee the authenticity of any data which users may provide about themselves or relationships they may describe.By posting Content on the Website, you grant to us, and you represent and warrant that you have the right to grant, us, our contractors, and the users of the Website an irrevocable, perpetual, royalty-free, fully sub-licensable, fully paid up, worldwide license to use, copy, publicly perform, digitally perform, publicly display, and distribute such Content and to prepare derivative works of, or incorporate into other works, such Content. This licence is non-exclusive, except you agree that we shall have the exclusive right to exercise this license to the extent of combining your Content with the Content of other users for purposes of constructing or populating a searchable database of advertisements. You understand that this licence allows us to reformat, excerpt, or translate any materials submitted by you.The Copyright Notice, Legal Disclaimer and General Terms contain further obligations, standards and restrictions related to the Content hat you submit, publish or display on the Website or transmit to other Website users. Please familiarise yourself with those terms and conditions.


All advertisements must adhere to the "Code of Advertising Standards" as defined by The Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland in addition to the standards set out in this Agreement.


We endeavour to ensure that all ads published on My Golf Society are reviewed by our staff either in advance or shortly after they appear on the Website. We reserve the right to reject ads that do not comply with our Agreement, and to delete these ads without notice or refund. You agree that delays may occur in the ads appearing on the Website to facilitate our review of the ads.


You are personally responsible for the Content appearing in any of your ads. To the extent permitted by law we disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on the content of any ad by any user of our Website.

Commercial Advertising

Businesses and persons acting in the course of trade are welcome to place classifieds ads on the Website. Ads published by businesses or persons acting in the course of trade must comply with applicable laws and it your responsibility to do so. We will hold you responsible for any failure to comply with laws that apply to you or your content. You may need to adhere to the Consumer Protection Act 2007, the European Communities (Misleading and Comparative Marketing Communications) Regulations 2007, the European Communities (Misleading Advertising) Regulations 1988, European Communities (Protection of Consumers in Respect of Contracts made by means of Distance Communications) Regulations 2001, the European Communities (Directive 2001/31/EC) Regulations, 2003 (the “Ecommerce Regulations”) and any other consumer protection legislation at the time being in force. Please note that this Website is aimed at consumers in Ireland and Northern Ireland, but we cannot prevent you being contacted from other consumers or other third parties nor can we prevent your advertisement being displayed in other jurisdictions.

About Published Ads or The Duration of the Ads

Ads will generally be displayed for a period of 12 months on our Website once initially posted. If you wish to extend this period you will be required to resubmit your request for our My Golf Society Service and to make a further payment for those services.Content which comprises advertising material will appear on the Website. Individual advertisers are solely responsible for the content of the material which they submit to us including ensuring that it complies with relevant legislation. We accept no responsibility for the content of any business and/or advertising material, including, without limitation, any error, omission or inaccuracy.Please note that the content of the published ads is provided by external users, and do not represent any views or opinions of My Golf Society, nor should they purport to do so.Accordingly, we require that every care is taken by you or on your behalf in drafting the content of your advertisements in order to ensure that they are not in any way defamatory, illegal or in any other way harmful to a third party as you are solely responsible as author and publisher of your advertisement.

Contra Conditions & Permissions

Any contra deals that My Golf Society receives in lieu of advertising payment or commission may be sold, or given away, through any medium. My Golf Society are also entitled to sell contra stock at a price of their own choosing, at their discretion. Contra received is never to expire, and can be used on any day of the week (subject to availability).

Suspension & Termination

You agree that we may, with or without cause, immediately delete your advertisement [and terminate your access to the My Golf Society account that you have set up] without prior notice at our sole discretion. The deletion or otherwise of an advertisement should not be viewed as an indication of wrong doing on the part of the advertiser. Without limiting the foregoing, the following may lead to a deletion by us of a user’s advertisement and/or termination of access to the mygolfmembership.ie website (a) a breach of this Agreement, (b) a request by law enforcement, Gardai / PSNI, police or other government agencies about you or any Content that you have submitted to us, (c) a request by you (self-initiated deletions), (d) unexpected technical issues or problems and (e) extended periods of inactivity. Deletion of a user advertisement and termination of access to the mygolfmembership.ie Service may result in the removal of all Content that we may decide to delete. It may also result in preventing your further use of the Website or your account, depending on the circumstances. Furthermore, you agree that all termination of these Terms & Conditions or your use of the Website by us shall be made in our sole discretion and that we shall not be liable to you nor any third party for any termination of your account or access to the Website or removal of Content.You understand and agree that we may review and delete any advertisements, or other Content that in our sole judgment breach these Terms & Conditions or which might be offensive, illegal or that might violate the rights of, harm, or threaten the safety of other users of our Website or us.We reserve the right to investigate and we will determine, in our discretion, whether there has been a breach of these Terms & Conditions through your use of our Website and/or the My Golf Society Service. When a breach of these Terms & Conditions has occurred, we may take such action as we deem appropriate.Failure by you to comply with these Terms & Conditions may result in our taking all or any of the following actions:- immediate, temporary or permanent withdrawal of your right to use our Website and/or the mygolfmembership.ie Service;- immediate, temporary or permanent removal of any posting, material or Content uploaded by you to our Website;- issue of a public (via the Website) or private warning to you;- limit the amount of postings you may make; - suspension, restriction or limitation of any rights or permissions associated with an account;- legal proceedings against you for reimbursement of all costs on an indemnity basis (including, but not limited to, reasonable administrative and legal costs) resulting from the breach;- other legal action against you; and/or- disclosure of such information to law enforcement authorities as we reasonably feel is necessary.We exclude liability for actions taken in response to breaches of the content standards and restrictions of use. The responses described in these Terms & Conditions are not limited, and we may take any other action we reasonably deem appropriate.

Status of these Terms & Conditions

These Terms and Conditions form part of our agreement with you concerning use of our Website mygolfsociety.ie, all of which you should read carefully before you start to use this Website. By accessing and using this Website, you indicate that you have read, understand and accept that Agreement, and that you agree to abide by its terms and conditions each time you access and use this Website. If you do not agree to all of the terms and conditions you should not use this Website.You agree that we may change these Terms & Conditions at any time and any change will become effective immediately once posted by us on the Website. Please check these Terms & Conditions from time to time as your continued use of the Website means you accept them on the Website at the time of your use.Rights Reserved